Monday, 27 April 2009

AGM minutes - Spring 2009

Minutes of meeting held in Holm Community Centre on 27 th April, 2009

Present :
Brian Aim Councillor Andrew Drever Alfie Flett (chair) Erlend Flett Hazel Goar Jimmy Goar Ida Gorn Ken Hambly Fraser Henning Shirley Henning Reg Jamieson Gracie Laughton Marlene Mainland(minutes) Kenny Marwick Jack McIntosh Jan Moar Douglas Paterson Helen Paterson Margaret Smith Vera Tait ( It was noted that apologies had been re ceived from several people with a prior engagement)

Purpose of meeting :
To establish a proactive group committed to acquiring St Nicholas Church, in order to ensure the sanctity of the church site and the surrounding churchyard. To form a management committee to progress the business of the group.

Mr Alfie Flett expla ined that according to Church of Scotland policy, redundant churches are put for sale on the open market. This had already happened in St Andrews and Deerness, and now St Nicholas in Holm is due to be advertised for sale in the near future.
The B listed building is surro unded by the cemetry, the property of Orkney Islands Council. The building has no services or independent access. The historic listing imposes restrictions on development or alteration. However there is concern about who might acquire the building and how this would affect the sanctity of the churchyard.
With a view to forming a support group for the acquisition of St Nicholas Church, Mr Flett had sought advice from Voluntary Action Orkney in drawing up a constitution, which was based on that of the friends of St Ninian’s in Deerness.

The meeting was opened for discussion and the issue of listing featured prominently as this has implications both of restriction of development , and expense in upkeep. The roof appears quite sound, but there is no guarantee to its safety. It is not known whether it can be de ‐ listed, but th is possibility will be explored.

The majority of those present (17) wished to form an action group, which would be known as The Friends of St Nicholas. There were three abstentions.
According to the constitution, initial members of the management committee were nominated and seconded. Andrew Drever (n. J Goar s.I Gorn)Alfie Flett (n.A Dreve r s. H Goar) Marlene Mainland (A Drever H Goar) Freddie Tait in absentia ( V Tait H Paterson)
There will be a further meeting to complete committee membership, but the group can now be registered through VAO as a formally constituted body.