Thursday, 28 May 2009

Minutes of Meeting of Friends of St Nicholas, 28/05/2009 - (St Nicholas Kirk, Holm, Orkney)

Minutes of Meeting of Friends of St Nicholas, 28 th May 2009 

Molly Aim Andrew Drever Irene Drever Alfie Flett (Chair) Erlend Flett Hazel Goar Jimmy Goar Ida Gorn R Jamieson Bertie Johnston Joyce Johnston Gracie Laughton John Livitt Joy Livitt Marlene Mainland(minutes) Jack McIntosh John Muir Helen Paterson Rhoda Shearer Billy Sinclair Jean Smith Margaret Smith Lilian Sinclair Freddie Tait Vera Tait Mike Tilley Athole Thomson

Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated and approved. proposer : Andrew Drever, seconder: Helen Paterson

Matters arising
As the previous minute stated the intention to expand membership of the management committee, nominations were invited.
Erlend Flett was proposed by John Muir and seconded by Lilian Sinclair.
Athole Thomson was proposed by Helen Paterson and seconded by Ida Gorn.
This takes the committee number up to six, leaving space for specialist input in the future, if necessary.
Mr Flett then referred to the context one month previously when there was an expectation that St. Nicholas Church would be advertised for sale. This had now happened, and the purpose of this meeting was to clarify our intentions and decide how to progress fro m this point.
There was some discussion on the implications of category B listing, and whether de ‐ listing would be possible. There was also discussion on the stability of the building, with the implications for future maintenance and expense, and it was felt that a site visit would be ne cessary to inform opinion on the structural quality of the building.
There was also some concern about the consecrated status of the ground beneath the building, and a desire to have this clarified.

To lodge a declaration of interest in the property with the Church of Scotland, George Street, Edinburgh.
To request permission to make a site visit to view the inte rior of the building.
To discuss with the local planning authority and Historic Scotland the possibilities of delisting.
To investigate the implications of burials within the footprint.
T o seek advice on insurance premiums for this type of property

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